mobile phone gps tracker

Use Like a Mobile: Two-way Calling

Using the GPS Tracker for Phonecalls – The Two-Way Calling Feature Our Stray Star GPS Dementia Tracker also functions like a small mobile phone. It has a small speaker and microphone, enabling two-way calling. You can call the GPS tracker, and the person carrying it can also call you. This can be hugely useful in helping with a search, offering reassurance, …

The Flexible Dementia Tracker

Explains the full flexibility of your GPS dementia tracker, covering all options before and after purchase. Have full control.

Stray Star GPS Dementia Tracker

Stray Star GPS TrackerOur Trusted, Flexible Dementia Tracker”It’s a fantastic bit of kit – we are so pleased.” – JanineStray Star GPS TrackerOur Trusted, Flexible Dementia Tracker”It’s a fantastic bit of kit – we are so pleased.”JanineStray Star GPS Dementia Tracker “It’s a fantastic bit of kit – we are so pleased.”JanineOur GPS dementia Tracker can be used for any …

Friendly Help and Aftercare

Customer Service and AftercareQuick, helpful responses to Queries Even with a great product, you may have specific needs, concerns, or issues that arise. If our customer-only troubleshooting guides or information pages don’t solve your issue, then get in touch. Expert knowledge of our product This is something you won’t find elsewhere. Our Stray Star GPS Tracker has a unique firmware …

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions & General EnquiriesIf you have a question which you can’t find answered on the site, or would like to provide any feedback or testimonials, please use the contact form below this FAQ section.  We placed it down there in the hope that you might find your answer along the way! Questions About Specific GPS Trackers The following links …


GPS Trackers – Further Details & InformationIf thinking of buying a GPS Tracker to track someone at risk of becoming lost, you’ll naturally have a lot of good questions about how they work and what’s involved. Please click on any page below for user-friendly information.The Flexible Dementia TrackerSeptember 18, 2018Stray Star GPS Dementia TrackerMarch 1, 2018Friendly Help and AftercareFebruary 27, 2018See …

Track a car or van on the map

See how GPS Locations work

GPS Tracker Locations: How they work on your mobile phone The Stray Star GPS Tracker gives quick, accurate Google Satellite Map location via text message whenever you need one. This is how most carers use the devices – requesting locations when they need one, or receiving them automatically if the person wanders too far, presses the SOS button, or has …

Easy to Set Up and Use

Setting Up Your GPS TrackerYou can start receiving reply location texts to your mobile phone within minutes of receiving your GPS Tracker. It’s easy to get set up – we provide clear and concise step-by-step information so you can’t go wrong. But if you do get stuck, you’ll also have access to our super-useful online help portal, offering stacks of …

gps trackers dementia ongoing costs

Ongoing Costs

The cheap-to-use GPS Tracker SIMThe free pre-installed GPS Tracker SIM makes it easy to get going when you receive your GPS Tracker. The Tracker requires a SIM card because it functions like a small mobile phone – able to receive and send texts (e.g. locations) and allow for two-way calling. You’ll look after your SIM credit yourself by logging into …

Share with Multiple Carers

Sharing Access with Carers and Family You may want to share access to the GPS Tracker with other siblings, parents, relatives, dementia carers, friends or neighbours – people who could quickly help in the event that the person with dementia goes wandering or has a fall. Our Stray Star GPS Dementia Tracker has a unique firmware allowing for great flexibility. …

Learn about Alerts, e.g. SOS, Wandering

GPS Tracker Safety Alerts You can set up your Stray Star GPS Dementia Tracker to send automatic text alerts when certain things happen – allowing you to respond asap. You can also set it so that one carer receives SOS alerts, while another receives non-SOS alerts. Alerts can be enabled or disabled via a simple text message.Wandering Too FarOne of …

Free Online GPS Tracking

Free Online GPS TrackingAn optional, alternative tracking method – see your GPS Tracker’s location in real-time by logging into a website or app Most customers just use text-based tracking – allowing “when you want it” locations, as well as automatic alerts if the person wanders too far. But you can also set your GPS Tracker to upload its location regularly …

3G GPS Tracker for Dementia – US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

3G GPS Tracker for Dementia – US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand If… you want to track someone who is at risk of wandering, or has dementia or Alzheimer’s and you live in the US, Canada, Australia or New Zealand… then you will need a 3G GPS Tracker. Why? Because US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have switched off their old …